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DataOps copilot for the data product platform Assist is a chat-based AI-powered copilot that improves your user experience on the data product platform. It enhances the workflow for every team member, regardless of their role. Use Assist to massively increase each team member's productivity and do more with the same.

  • As a data engineer, use it during your development cycle.
  • As a data product owner, use it during review and release management sessions.
  • As a support engineer, use it during incident resolution as guided action.

Assist for data engineers Assist supports data engineers during the development of MATE dbt models. The main use cases are:

  • Suggest models from natural language inputs
  • Describe SQL or Python that is missing documentation
  • Explain 1000+ lines of complex SQL

Overall, you can enjoy three times better productivity.

Assist for data product owners Assist automatically summarizes and describes complex change requests, helping data product owners quickly understand and approve merge requests. This speeds up the process, meeting business needs faster and reducing time to production by 50%.

Assist for support engineers Assist analyzes data pipeline failures, identifies the root cause, and provides natural language steps to resolve the incident.

With less back-and-forth communication in your team and with Support, experience a 10X faster resolution time for incidents.

Developing your SQL models Assist provides data engineers with integrated tools to help in the creation of MATE models. You can access these tools through the DataOps development environment DevReady.

Open any of your DataOps projects in Develop in VS Code, accept the disclaimer, and then proceed to start Assist from either:

  • The file explorer: Under the dataops/modelling directory, right-click a model and select Send to Assist.

    Open a model in Assist !!shadow!!

  • For the individual SQL or YAML file you are working on, use the icons on the top right to initiate a few options with Assist.

    Open a model in Assist !!shadow!!

With Assist, you can combine artificial intelligence and human intuition and get answers to any of your questions through the prompts and:

Creating new models

Assist suggests MATE models from your natural language inputs.

Based on your prompt, you will have an initial <model>.sql created in seconds. In addition, Assist generates the corresponding <model>.yml containing the model documentation for you.

  1. Right-click a SQL model and select Create a new model with Assist.

    The new model will be created in the same folder as the model you clicked on.

  2. Enter your query description in the top field of VS Code and press Enter on your keyboard.

    Create a new model via Assist !!shadow!!

    Assist generates a preview of the new model. You can ask Assist in the prompt to save the new model in a specific path.

  3. Click Create below the preview to generate the .sql file.

    Document the new model via Assist !!shadow!!

    You can continue to chat with Assist to refine the model according to your needs.

  4. Use the proposed prompts or ask Assist to document the new model directly and click Create to generate the YAML file.

  5. On the top right of VS Code, click the Execute dbt SQL icon to run the SQL query and check the output data in the console.

Documenting models

Assist describes your SQL or YAML model that is missing documentation.

Given a SQL model, Assist generates a <model>.yml fully documented with model and column descriptions.

Given a YAML file with missing descriptions or column information, Assist uses the matching <model>.sql file to document the descriptions in the <model>.yml file.

You can review and choose which changes to commit to Git.

  1. Open the SQL model or YAML file without a description.

    Document a model via Assist !!shadow!!

  2. Click the pencil icon on the top right of VS Code.

    Assist starts generating a preview with a version of the SQL model or YAML file with a description.

  3. If satisfied, click Create below the preview to generate the model or file with a description.

Explaining models

Assist explains your SQL model and generates a summary to help you start your development work.

This is helpful for long and complicated SQL queries, as it can be challenging to understand 1,000+ lines of code.

  1. Open the SQL model for which you need an explanation.

    Document a model via Assist !!shadow!!

  2. Click the bulb icon on the top right of VS Code.

    A summary and explanation are generated for the open model.

Speeding up merge request review and approval

Once a merge request is created, Assist automatically generates an insightful MR summary. It makes reviewing easier by giving a short and informative summary of the changes in an MR.

All users have assist enabled by default, enhancing their experience with seamless MR summaries. When you create an MR, you'll see a new activity in the MR overview with this message:

Initial DataOps AI assistant message for merge requests !!shadow!!

Assist thoroughly analyzes the MR changes. After reviewing, It records a message under Activity. The message includes a summary and detailed explanation of the changes.

Subsequent DataOps AI assistant message for merge requests !!shadow!!

Assist opt-out

To access Assist in the DataOps development environment, you don't need to take any action, as the feature is automatically enabled for all users. Simply accept the disclaimer when prompted to start using Assist.

Assist disclaimer !!shadow!!


Clicking Cancel will simply close the disclaimer window. It will not opt you out of Assist. A subsequent request to interact with Assist will reopen the disclaimer, and you can choose to do so again. Assist benefits most users, but your preference may vary.

You can opt-out of Assist as an organization by emailing our Support team and we will opt your entire top-level group out of Assist.

It's important to note that opting out of Assist will be global — you'll lose access to all its features, including the automatic generation of MR summaries.