Visual Studio Code Extensions in Develop
Extension name: ms-python.python
The core Python extension. It is a dependency for other modules and allows running Python code with a single button click.
Better toml
Extension name: bungcip.better-toml
It provides better rendering for TOML files.
Extension name: samuelcolvin.jinjahtml
The JINJA template rendering extension specifically within dbt models.
dbt power user
Extension name: vscode-dbt-power-user
Main extension for dbt development and testing. Use it from the provided buttons in the top right of a SQL development window:
Or by opening the plugin itself:
The automatically executed script /dataops-cde/scripts/
dynamically populates the required ~/.dbt/profiles.yml
Snowflake driver for sqltools
Extension name: koszti.snowflake-driver-for-sqltools
This extension also installs sqltools
itself. The automatically executed script /dataops-cde/scripts/
automatically creates two Snowflake profiles using the same credentials as used for MATE/dbt, one for the production database, the second for the database that is related to the current branch:
The User configured needs to have a default ROLE set for this Extension to operate correctly.
Installing custom extensions
If you wish to include your custom extensions in DevReady, you can do it in a .gitpod.yml
file you add to the project's directory:
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
If you wish to include your custom extensions in DevPod, you can do it in the devcontainer.json
"name": "DevPod",
"image": "dataopslive/dataops-development-workspace:5-stable",
"runArgs": [
"containerEnv": {
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
"extensions": [