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How to Clone a Git Repository over HTTPS

Users can no longer use their usernames & passwords with Git over HTTPS. They must now use a Personal Access Token (PAT)

First, to create your token:

  1. Go to User Settings > Personal Access Tokens.

  2. Set Token Name to repo_clone.

  3. Under Select scopes, select the checkbox write_repository.

    Note down your token - you won't be able to access it again.

User Settings > Personal Access Tokens  !!shadow!!

Second, perform your git clone operation now as follows:

# git clone https://<access-token-name>:<access-token>@/
git clone

Storing Git credentials

Note that this stores the access token as plain text in the .git/config file. To avoid this, you can use the Git credential system. To do so, alter your steps to:

  1. Modify ~/.git-credentials and add a line with the correct token.
  2. Perform the clone without the credentials in the URL.

    git clone