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Release Notes January 2024


Feature release status badge: Feature
Python procedure in SOLE

Our powerful Snowflake Object Lifecycle Engine (SOLE) and SOLE for Data Products now support running stored procedures in Python. With this enhancement, developers can use Python syntax to write and run stored procedures, leveraging Python's capabilities for data manipulation and analysis tasks.

See the Snowflake Procedure object documentation for more information.

Feature release status badge: Feature
Data vault deployment across environments

You can now efficiently run the VaultSpeed pipeline and deploy your data vault across various environments using the VaultSpeed orchestrator. This simplifies the data vault development process, offering a dedicated space to test your data vault changes before deploying them to your production environment.

For more information, see the support for environment management in the VaultSpeed orchestrator.

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Warehouse creation in SOLE

We've fixed an error caused by the absence of an active warehouse needed for creating a Python User Defined Function (UDF) during the warehouse creation in a SOLE job.

Data product platform

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Feature release status badge: Improvement
Updates in DataOps template project v2

In DataOps Standard Template v2, our latest and enhanced template project, we removed the .gitpod.yml file to allow the default image to be pulled as standard.

Some minor bugs in Template v2 have also been fixed, ensuring a smoother experience for users.