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Release Notes November 2023


Feature release status badge: Feature
Python 3.11 orchestrator

The Python 3.11 orchestrator is now fully released and accessible to all customers. This orchestrator lets you run Python 3.11 scripts in your DataOps pipelines.

For more information, see the Python 3.11 Orchestrator documentation.

Feature release status badge: Feature
Run multiple hooks in a shared Snowflake session through SOLE

You can now run multiple hooks from an object group in a single Snowflake session. For more information, see the Multiple hooks in a single Snowflake session documentation.

Feature release status badge: Improvement
Enhancements in Orchestrators

  • Improved validation for parameters in the Stage Ingestion orchestrator.
  • Improved handling of invalid code generations list in the VaultSpeed orchestrator.

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Bug fixes in SOLE and Orchestrators

Grants will not be revoked from the Database if it isn't owned by the role running SOLE. Observe

Spendview User Management app

With the new Spendview User Management app, you can easily share metrics on Snowflake accounts' spending with people in your organization. This app offers streamlined user control with role-based access, an intuitive interface, and enhanced security.

Experience the convenience of the Spendview User Management app now by accessing it directly from your Spendview dashboard. Check Managing Spendview Users for more information. Develop

DataOps development environment in public preview

The DataOps development environment is now available for public preview! We've refined and enhanced the development environment to make sure it meets your needs more effectively.

By moving to public preview, we aim to gather broader insights, diverse user experiences, and additional feedback to make the DataOps development environment even more robust and user-friendly. Following the public preview, we'll be actively working on further refinements, addressing user feedback, and preparing the development environment for its official launch. Check out the Develop documentation for more information.

It is now also possible to set up an OAuth connection between Snowflake and the DataOps development environment. See DevReady Snowflake OAuth for more information.

New DataOps Web Ide layout !!shadow!!

DataOps CLI

Feature release status badge: Feature
New Snowflake object types in SOLE Generator

Find the complete list of supported Snowflake object types and usage examples in the SOLE Generator documentation.

Feature release status badge: Feature
New CLI commands

New CLI commands are now added to the DataOps CLI. The new commands are available only if you are running the tool through the DataOps development environment:

  • data_product - lets you create and validate a data product manifest
  • sole - lets you run helper SOLE operations through the CLI
  • mate - lets you run helper MATE operations through the CLI

See DataOps development environment CLI commands for more information.

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Bug fixes in SOLE Generator

Fixed parsing of table columns having UNIQUE and/or DEFAULT in their name.

Feature release status badge: EoL
Deprecation of dataops solegen

The dataops solegen command will soon be deprecated and should be replaced with the new dataops sole gen command.

Check out the SOLE Generator documentation for more information about the new usage.

Data product platform

Web IDE fresh new experience

Our Web IDE is now built on Visual Studio Code, and there are no changes to its core functionality.

Your usual way of doing things won't change. You can still write, edit, and manage code and files in your web browser, just like before. The only different thing is the updated interface, designed to make it easier to use.

Check out the Web IDE documentation for a detailed walkthrough and videos.

New DataOps Web Ide layout !!shadow!!

API rate limits

We've adjusted the rate limit for API calls to ensure that the platform is available to all users. The rate limit will be 600 requests per user per minute.

See the API rate limits documentation for more information.