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Release Notes October 2023


Feature release status badge: Feature
MATE with dbt version 1.5

We've rolled out dbt version 1.5 as the default for the MATE orchestrator and MATE packages, taking your DataOps experience to a whole new level.

By the end of November 2023, the current default dbt 1.0 version will reach its end of life and will no longer receive support. However, you can still opt for dbt 1.0 in your DataOps projects after November, and dbt 1.0 will be installed at runtime, but this will have an impact on performance and support.

Should you encounter any issues in your pipelines related to the dbt version, check dbt migration for detailed guidance to help you resolve any potential issues.

Feature release status badge: Feature
VaultSpeed orchestrator

The VaultSpeed orchestrator is now fully released and accessible to all customers to help you deploy the data vault you have designed in VaultSpeed into a Snowflake database.

For more information, see the VautSpeed Orchestrator documentation.

Feature release status badge: Feature
Auto-generate sources from external tables

Alongside our Auto-Generating Sources from SOLE Ingestion Tables feature, you can now automatically generate dbt sources for MATE from external tables managed in SOLE.

Feature release status badge: PriPrev
Python 3.11 orchestrator

This release introduces a Python 3.11 orchestrator, expanding compatibility for the latest Python version. See the Python Orchestrators documentation for more information.

Feature release status badge: Improvement
Enhancements in SOLE and Orchestrators

  • The DATAOPS_PREFIX variable in SOLE is now case sensitive.
  • Enhancements were made to the logs of the Limiting the roles and users feature in SOLE grant management.
  • In the VaultSpeed orchestrator:
    • We now only use locked business vault releases.
    • We've enhanced the usage of a custom database as your data vault.
  • In the Azure Data Factory orchestrator, we added a new DATAOPS_ADF_SLEEP variable to control the sleep time between retry attempts. For more information, see the Azure Data Factory Orchestrator documentation.

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Bug fixes in SOLE and Orchestrators

Resolved issues in this release include:

  • Invalid table name when tags are applied to a table and DATAOPS_SOLE_PRESERVE_OBJECT_NAME is set in SOLE.
  • Stream recreation in SOLE when show_initial_rows set to true.
  • An error in SOLE occurs during a DESTROY action when a network policy is not unset.
  • Invalid parsing error in the Secrets Manager orchestrator.

Snowflake bundle 2023_07

With the release of the Snowflake 2023_07 bundle planned for January 2024, you'll notice security enhancement in the behavior of network policy commands. When you try to delete a network policy assigned to an account, security integration, or a user:

Before the bundle is released

You can delete the network policy without considering whether the network policy is still assigned to an account, security integration, or user.

After the bundle is released

You must detach a network policy from all accounts, security integrations, and users before you can delete it.