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COPY INTO <table>

Use the copy option parameters to load data to an existing table. Supported parameters are listed below and are used by external_table, pipe, and stage.



We have introduced SOLE for Data Products as a new framework for SOLE to help you easily build an ecosystem of data products. The major difference is in how you define Snowflake objects in the configuration file. Rather than having a grouped collection of objects, SOLE for Data Products goes for modular, self-describing, and explicit object definition.
Learn more about SOLE for Data Products, currently available as a public preview.

We have also introduced Data products as an extra layer on top of the data product platform capabilities making managing data products easier than ever. Learn more about Data Products, currently available as a private preview.

External table

format_type: "CSV"
compression: "AUTO"
field_delimiter: ","
skip_header: 1
skip_blank_lines: false
database: "DATABASE_1"
schema: "SCHEMA_1"
stage: "STAGE_1"
path: "lifecycle_runner"
type: "text"
as: "(value:c1::text)"
type: "text"
as: "(value:c2::text)"
comment: "Test external table"
auto_refresh: true
copy_grants: false
refresh_on_create: true
- ROLE_1
- ROLE_2


comment: A pipe.
error_integration: "NOTIFICATION_INTEGRATION_1"
auto_ingest: false
database: "DATABASE_2"
schema: "SCHEMA_2"
table: "TABLE_1"
database: "DATABASE_1"
schema: "SCHEMA_1"
stage: "STAGE_1"
select_statement: "SELECT $1, $2"
pattern: ".*[.]csv"
type: "CSV"
compression: "AUTO"
enforce_length: false
truncate_columns: true
- ROLE_1
- ROLE_2

Stage using the existing file format

url: "s3://{{AWS.EXAMPLE.S3_BUCKET}}"
format_name: "FILE_FORMAT_1"
- ROLE_1
- ROLE_2

Stage using none existing file format

url: "s3://{{AWS.EXAMPLE.S3_BUCKET}}"
type: "CSV"
compression: "AUTO"
record_delimiter: "\n"
field_delimiter: ","
binary_format: HEX
encoding: "UTF8"
escape_unenclosed_field: none
skip_header: 0
escape: "\\\\"
field_optionally_enclosed_by: '"'
date_format: "AUTO"
time_format: "AUTO"
timestamp_format: "AUTO"
validate_utf8: true
- ROLE_1

Supported parameters

Configuration KeyRequired/OptionalData Type and Values
fromRequiredSee here for a definition of from
intoRequiredSee here for a definition of into
file_formatOptionalSee here for a definition of file_format
match_by_column_nameOptionalString: CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE, NONE

from parameters

Configuration KeyRequired/OptionalData Type and ValuesDescription
databaseRequired - if the stage is present in another database or schemaStringName of the database in which the stage exists
schemaRequired - if the stage is present in another database or SchemaStringName of the schema in which the table exists
stageRequiredStringName of the external stage
select_statementOptionalStringSpecifies the select statement for the pipe only. It will load data from the select query.

into parameters

Configuration KeyRequired/OptionalData Type and ValuesDescription
databaseRequired - if the table is present in another database or schemaStringName of the database in which the table exists
schemaRequired - if the table is present in another Database or SchemaStringName of the schema in which the table exists
tableRequiredStringName of the table

file_format parameters

Configuration KeyRequired/OptionalData Type and ValuesDescription
format_databaseRequired - if the format name is present in another database or schemaStringName of the format database in which the file format exists
format_schemaRequired - if format_database is presentStringName of the format schema in which the file format exists
format_nameRequired - if format_database and format_schema are presentStringName of the file format.
Note: format_name and type are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified simultaneously in the same copy_statement configuration.
typeRequired - if format_database, format_schema, and format_name are not presentString: CSV, JSONFormat of the data files to load.
Note: format_name and type are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified simultaneously in the same copy_statement configuration.
allow_duplicateOptionalBooleanAllows duplicate object field names
binary_as_textOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to interpret columns with no defined logical data type as UTF-8 text
binary_formatOptionalString: HEX, BASE64, UTF8Encoding format for binary input or output
compressionOptionalString/null: AUTO, GZIP, BZ2, BROTLI, ZSTD, DEFLATE, RAW_DEFLATE, NONESpecifies the current compression algorithm for the data file
date_formatOptionalStringFormat of the date values in the data files to load
disable_auto_convertOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether the XML parser disables automatic conversion of numeric and Boolean values from text to native representation
disable_snowflake_dataOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether the XML parser disables recognition of Snowflake semi-structured data tags
empty_field_as_nullOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to insert SQL NULL for empty fields in an input file, which are represented by two successive delimiters
enable_OCTALOptionalBooleanEnables parsing of octal numbers
encodingOptionalStringSpecifies the character set of the source data when loading it into a table
error_on_column_count_mismatchOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to generate a parsing error if the number of delimited columns (i.e. fields) in an input file does not match the number of columns in the corresponding table
escapeOptionalString/nullCharacter used as the escape character for enclosed field values
escape_unenclosed_fieldOptionalString/nullCharacter used as the escape character for unenclosed field values
field_delimiterOptionalString/nullCharacters that separate fields in an input file
field_optionally_enclosed_byOptionalString/nullCharacter used to enclose strings
ignore_utf8_errorsOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether UTF-8 encoding errors produce error conditions
null_ifOptionalStringConverts to and from SQL NULL
preserve_spaceOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether the XML parser preserves leading and trailing spaces in element content
record_delimiterOptionalString/nullCharacters that separate records in an input file
replace_invalid_charactersOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to replace invalid UTF-8 characters with the Unicode replacement character
skip_blank_linesOptionalBooleanSpecifies to skip any blank lines encountered in the data files
skip_byte_order_markOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to skip the BOM (byte order mark) if present in a data file
skip_headerOptionalIntegerNumber of lines at the start of the file to skip
strip_null_valuesOptionalBooleanTells the JSON parser to remove object fields or array elements containing null values
strip_outer_arrayOptionalBooleanTells the JSON parser to remove outer brackets
strip_outer_elementOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether the XML parser strips out the outer XML element, exposing 2nd level elements as separate documents
time_formatOptionalStringFormat of the time values in the data files to load
timestamp_formatOptionalStringFormat of the timestamp values in the data files to load
trim_spaceOptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to remove white space from fields
validate_utf8OptionalBooleanSpecifies whether to validate UTF-8 character encoding in string column data. Caution: This parameter only supports TRUE as a value. Using FALSE would result in compiler failure. This is due to the fact FALSE value has been made obsolete by Snowflake as of release 2022_03.

Unsupported copy option parameters for pipe

All COPY INTO table copy options are supported except for the following:

  • files
  • on_error
  • size_limit
  • purge
  • force
  • return_failed_only
  • validation_mode
  • load_uncertain_files