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Orchestrators Release Notes (November 3, 2022)

v5.8.1 (5-latest | 5-stable)

Feature release status badge: Feature
Share Restriction

You can easily now enable or disable share restriction — adding consumer accounts to a share belonging to a business-critical data provider.

By default, sharing data is not allowed from an account on a business-critical edition to an account on a lower edition to maintain the expected level of data protection provided by Business Critical. However, when the share_restrictions parameter is disabled, a business-critical provider account can add a consumer account with a non-business-critical edition to a share.

Feature release status badge: Improvement
Automatic Retry of Failed Jobs

Gain time and effort by automatically retrying failed jobs until they succeed or reach a specific number of retries.

Feature release status badge: Bug Fix
Bug Fix
Revoking Accounts in a Share

Fixed the behavior of revoking accounts in a share. Not defining the accounts key was considered as an empty list and led to revoking all accounts. Now, omitting accounts will no longer remove the accounts from the share.

Known Limitation

Support for validate_utf8 has been removed from the file_format parameter. Only True is now acceptable. If the value is set to False, the pipeline will fail.