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REST API Resources

Use this page as a resource for discovering resources you can access via the API.

Learn more about getting started with the API on the Using the REST API page.

Project pipelines

Schedule a pipeline


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint

Required parameters

idInteger/StringYesID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user
descriptionStringYesDescription of the pipeline schedule
refStringYesBranch or tag name that is triggered
cronStringYesCron schedule, for example: 01 * * *
cron_timezoneStringNoTime zone supported by ActiveSupport::TimeZone, for example: Pacific Time (US & Canada), (default: UTC)
activeBooleanNoActivation of pipeline schedule. If set to FALSE, the pipeline schedule is deactivated (default: TRUE)

Example curl request (replace the parameters with your values):

curl --request POST \
--header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <TOKEN>" \
--form description="Build packages" \
--form ref="main" \
--form cron="0 1 * * 5" \
--form cron_timezone="UTC" \
--form active="true" \

Trigger a pipeline


Authenticate via a "pipeline trigger token". For detailed steps on getting a pipeline trigger token, refer to Running pipelines - Pipeline trigger.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/trigger/pipeline

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187
Trigger tokenPipeline trigger token from project SettingsCI/CDPipeline triggersa9b6737105a4a54...
Git ref (a commit, branch name or commit tag)Specific reference to the git history for what pipeline to triggerb489ddde, my-feature-branch, v1-dev-tag
Pipeline configuration file pathPath including the file name of the pipeline file you want to trigger, provided to the request as pipeline variablefull-ci.yml, new-ci.yml, other-pipelines/pipe1-ci.yml

Example curl request (replace the four parameters with your values):

curl --request POST \
--header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <TOKEN>" \
--form description="Build packages" \
--form ref="main" \
--form cron="0 1 * * 5" \
--form cron_timezone="UTC" \
--form active="true" \

Get pipelines


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/pipelines

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187

Example curl request (replace the parameter with your value):

curl --request GET \
--header "private-token: ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Get pipeline detail


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/pipelines/$PIPELINE_ID

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187
Pipeline IDPipeline ID from the available list of pipelines (used in the URL)1451, 74773

Example curl request (replace the parameter with your value):

curl --request GET \
--header "private-token: ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Get jobs


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/jobs

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187

Example curl request (replace the parameter with your value):

curl --request GET \
--header "private-token: ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Get job detail


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/jobs/$JOB_ID

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187
Job IDJob ID from the available list of jobs (used in the URL)47217, 4325421

Example curl request (replace the parameter with your value):

curl --request GET \
--header "private-token: ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Get job logs


Authenticate via an "access token". For detailed steps on getting an access token, please refer to Using the REST API - Access tokens.

URL endpoint$PROJECT_ID/jobs/$JOB_ID/trace

Required parameters

Project IDProject ID from the project overview page under the project title (used in the URL)830, 49187
Job IDJob ID from the available list of jobs (used in the URL)47217, 4325421

Example curl request (replace the parameter with your value):

curl --request GET \
--header "private-token: ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Supported API resources

The API of the data product platform is almost identical to the GitLab REST API and can integrate with many external applications. See Develop with GitLab for a detailed resources list.