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Unit Testing

Unit testing should be considered within the overview of data testing approaches.


Let's consider a trivial case where we want a function that takes in currency conversion rate and amount, and it converts the amount to a second currency. Unit testing deals with the function itself - have we written it correctly, does it work as expected in all cases and does it handle edge cases well?

Function implementation

We will consider this function as a MATE macro

Let's consider the following use case:

We have written a macro (the MATE macro example) that takes the values of a currency pair and calculates the exchange rate. Here is the code snippet again:

{% macro calc_exchange_rate(first_currency, exchange_rate_currency) %}
{{-first_currency / exchange_rate_currency-}}
{% endmacro %}

It's fairly clear what this does, we pass in how much of the source currency we have and the exchange rate and it calculates the target currency for us.

There are at least two ways to implement this as a unit test, a standalone test script, or an actual model with test data.

Standalone test script

In this case, we can write a standalone script of the form:

  {% macro increment(dct, key, inc=1)%}
{% if dct.update({key: dct[key] + inc}) %} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro() %}

{# Define our test data with test inputs and expected outputs #}

{% set exchange_rate_currencies=(
{'currency_pair': 'EUR/USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.054, 'test_input':1, 'expected_output':0.9487666034155597},
{'currency_pair': 'EUR/USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.054, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':1.8975332068311195},
{'currency_pair': 'USD/CHF', 'exchange_rate': 0.99, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':2.0202020202020203},
{'currency_pair': 'NZD/USD', 'exchange_rate': 0.64, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':3.125},
{'currency_pair': 'USD/JPY', 'exchange_rate': 131.10,'test_input':2, 'expected_output':0.015255530129672007},
{'currency_pair': 'USD/CAD', 'exchange_rate': 1.29, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':1.5503875968992247},
{'currency_pair': 'GBP/USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.23, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':1.6260162601626016},
{'currency_pair': 'AUD/USD', 'exchange_rate': 0.70, 'test_input':2, 'expected_output':2.857142857142857}

{# Initialize counters to zero #}
{% set counter = {
'count': 0,
'errors': 0
} %}

{# Loop through each test #}
{% for exchange_rate_currency in exchange_rate_currencies %}

{# Increment our test counter #}
{{ increment(counter, 'count') }}

{# Get the result generated by the function under test #}
{%- set result -%}
{{calc_exchange_rate(exchange_rate_currency['test_input'], exchange_rate_currency['exchange_rate'])}}
{%- endset -%}

{# Get the expected result #}
{%- set expected -%}
{%- endset -%}

{# Compare the actual result with the expected result #}
{% if result == expected %}

{# If they match then log #}
{{ log("Testing: " ~ exchange_rate_currency['currency_pair'] ~ " Expected: " ~ expected ~ " Found: " ~ result ~ " [OK]" ,true)}}
{% else %}

{# If they don't match then log and increment the error counter #}
{{ log("Testing: " ~ exchange_rate_currency['currency_pair'] ~ " Expected: " ~ expected ~ " Found: " ~ result ~ " [ERROR]" ,true)}}
{{ increment(counter, 'errors') }}
{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{# Log summary #}
{{ log("Total Tests:" ~ counter['count'] ~ " Total Errors: " ~ counter['errors'], true )}}

{# If there are any errors then raise an exception otherwise log that everything has passed #}
{% if counter['errors'] >0 %}
{{ exceptions.raise_compiler_error("Unit tests failed due to " ~ counter['errors'] ~ " error(s)") }}
{% else %}
{{ log("Unit tests passed" ,true)}}
{%endif %}

{% endmacro %}

When this runs, you get an output like this:

Passing output
08:49:00  Testing: EUR/USD    Expected: 0.9487666034155597    Found: 0.9487666034155597     [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: EUR/USD Expected: 1.8975332068311195 Found: 1.8975332068311195 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: USD/CHF Expected: 2.0202020202020203 Found: 2.0202020202020203 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: NZD/USD Expected: 3.125 Found: 3.125 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: USD/JPY Expected: 0.015255530129672007 Found: 0.015255530129672007 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: USD/CAD Expected: 1.5503875968992247 Found: 1.5503875968992247 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: GBP/USD Expected: 1.6260162601626016 Found: 1.6260162601626016 [OK]
08:49:00 Testing: AUD/USD Expected: 2.857142857142857 Found: 2.857142857142857 [OK]
08:49:00 Total Tests:8 Total Errors: 0
08:49:00 Unit tests passed

When you modify one of the test records e.g. you change

{'currency_pair': 'EUR/USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.054, 'test_input':1, 'expected_output':0.9487666034155597},


{'currency_pair': 'EUR/USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.054, 'test_input':1, 'expected_output':1234567},

The unit test fails:

Failing output
08:50:45  Testing: EUR/USD    Expected: 1234567    Found: 0.9487666034155597     [ERROR]
08:50:45 Testing: EUR/USD Expected: 1.8975332068311195 Found: 1.8975332068311195 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: USD/CHF Expected: 2.0202020202020203 Found: 2.0202020202020203 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: NZD/USD Expected: 3.125 Found: 3.125 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: USD/JPY Expected: 0.015255530129672007 Found: 0.015255530129672007 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: USD/CAD Expected: 1.5503875968992247 Found: 1.5503875968992247 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: GBP/USD Expected: 1.6260162601626016 Found: 1.6260162601626016 [OK]
08:50:45 Testing: AUD/USD Expected: 2.857142857142857 Found: 2.857142857142857 [OK]
08:50:45 Total Tests:8 Total Errors: 1
08:50:47 Encountered an error while running operation: Compilation Error in macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)
Unit tests failed due to 1 error(s)

> in macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)
> called by macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)

If the function itself is changed to something incorrect, e.g.:

Note the plus operand
{% macro calc_exchange_rate(first_currency, exchange_rate_currency) %}
{{-first_currency + exchange_rate_currency-}}
{% endmacro %}

All the tests fail:

Failing output
08:52:50  Testing: EUR/USD    Expected: 0.9487666034155597    Found: 2.0540000000000003     [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: EUR/USD Expected: 1.8975332068311195 Found: 3.0540000000000003 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: USD/CHF Expected: 2.0202020202020203 Found: 2.99 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: NZD/USD Expected: 3.125 Found: 2.64 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: USD/JPY Expected: 0.015255530129672007 Found: 133.1 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: USD/CAD Expected: 1.5503875968992247 Found: 3.29 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: GBP/USD Expected: 1.6260162601626016 Found: 3.23 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Testing: AUD/USD Expected: 2.857142857142857 Found: 2.7 [ERROR]
08:52:50 Total Tests:8 Total Errors: 8
08:52:51 Encountered an error while running operation: Compilation Error in macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)
Unit tests failed due to 8 error(s)

> in macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)
> called by macro test_calc_exchange_rates_macro (macros/unit_tests/test_calc_exchange_rates_macro.sql)

To include this in a pipeline, use the Transform orchestrator and set the name of the unit test macro as the TRANSFORM_OPERATION_NAME, e.g.:

Unit Test Exchange Rate:
- .modelling_and_transformation_base
- .agent_tag
stage: "Unit Tests"
TRANSFORM_OPERATION_NAME: test_calc_exchange_rates_macro
- /dataops
icon: ${INGEST_ICON}

When running successfully, this looks like this:

passed-test-1 !!shadow!!

with job details

passed-test-2 !!shadow!!

And if failing:

failed-test-1 !!shadow!!

with job details

failed-test-2 !!shadow!!

Test models

This approach is a little more involved but is a much better approach when we have functions that operate on large amounts of data.

Conceptually we create a set of test data with known inputs and outputs, build a model on this using the Function we wish to test and then a second model with the expected outputs and then compare the two:

model-unit-test-overview !!shadow!!

If they exactly match, the tests pass, if there are any differences, the tests fail.

Consider we have a Snowflake function that multiplies two numbers together:

create or replace function SHARED_FUNCTIONS.multiply_two_numbers(a float, b float)
returns float
comment='multiply two numbers'
as 'a * b';

Which we would manage through SOLE like:

comment: "multiply two numbers"
language: SQL
return_type: NUMBER
return_behavior: IMMUTABLE
null_input_behavior: "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"
statement: "a * b"
type: NUMBER
type: NUMBER

We now want to test this against some known good cases.

Creating and loading unit test data

First, we will create a CSV file with our test cases:


and a seed configuration file to detail how we load this:

version: 2

- name: multiply_two_numbers_data
input_1: float
input_2: float
expected_output: float
Data Types

In some situations, this file isn't necessary. Snowflake will infer column data types. However, when running unit tests, it's very common for a test that looks right to fail because somewhere along the line a data type wasn't cast the way you expected. This is a great example of the value of unit tests - they will find situations where you need explicit data type casting to make everything work the way you want.

We also need to include some configuration in our dbt_project file:

+transient: true
+materialized: table
+schema: SAMPLES
+schema: unit_tests
- "unit_tests"
+quote_columns: false
+transient: true
+schema: unit_tests
- "unit_tests"
+quote_columns: false

This simply defines the schema we should load our data into and tags it unit_tests so we can run all our unit tests together easily.

Now we need a DataOps job to load this data:

Load Unit Test Data:
- .modelling_and_transformation_base
- .agent_tag
stage: Unit Test Prep
- /dataops || true
icon: ${INSERT_ICON}

Creating unit test models

We need two models here, one that exercises our function and one to extract the expected output.

This model simply applies our Snowflake function to the two inputs for each row in the test file:

SHARED_FUNCTIONS.multiply_two_numbers(input_1,input_2)::FLOAT as result
from {{ ref('multiply_two_numbers_data') }}
Data Types

Again, note the Data Type casting.

For reference, the results of this model when executed is:

unit-test-result-1 !!shadow!!

And a very simple one to extract the expected output into the same format. A

expected_output::FLOAT as result
from {{ ref('multiply_two_numbers_data') }}
Data Types

Again, note the Data Type casting.

For reference, the results of this model when executed is:

expected-result-1 !!shadow!!

We now need a DataOps job to build these 2 models:

Build Unit Test Models:
- .modelling_and_transformation_base
- .agent_tag
stage: Unit Test Build
- /dataops

Creating the final unit tests

Now we have rendered models, the one generated from our well-defined inputs and put through the function under test, and one created from the expected outputs.

The actual unit test is now extremely simple - we just need to test whether these two models have identical data, which we do with a model test:

version: 2

- name: expected_result
- dbt_utils.equality:
compare_model: ref('unit_test')

And that's it - we are just testing equality across our calculated and expected models. In this case, the test is attached to the expected_result and references the unit_test but it would work equally well the other way around.

Finally, a DataOps job to run this:

Execute Unit Test Models:
- .modelling_and_transformation_base
- .agent_tag
stage: Unit Test Execute
- /dataops
when: always
junit: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/report.xml

Pulling all this together

When running all of the above, we get a pipeline segment that looks like this:

unit-test-pipeline !!shadow!!

Our unit test results are included in the Tests tab:

unit-test-ui-results !!shadow!!

What does failure look like

Let's consider in the future that someone decides to change our function to something incorrect, e.g.

create or replace function SHARED_FUNCTIONS.multiply_two_numbers(a float, b float)
returns float
comment='multiply two numbers'
as 'a + b';

When a pipeline in dev or any feature branch runs, the unit test data is loaded, and the models are built, but the tests fail and the pipeline is stopped:

unit-test-pipeline-failed !!shadow!!

With appropriate reporting:

unit-test-ui-results-failed !!shadow!!

Extended to more unit tests

Since all of the DataOps jobs refer to the unit_tests tag, there is no need to ever touch or extend these jobs again, we can simply add more:

  • Unit test data files
  • Unit test models
  • Unit test equality tests

Once done a few times it should take no more than 20 minutes to add unit tests to a simple/moderate complexity function.

Testing other types of function

In this example, we have tested a simple SQL function, but the same principles can be used to test:

  • Any SQL UDF
  • Any Java UDF
  • Any Python UDF
  • Any functions created by Snowpark (Java, Scala or Python)