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Implicit or External Object Deletion

Implicit deletion of database-level objects

You can delete a database managed by SOLE via a pipeline in one of the following ways:

  1. Running delete jobs in feature and dev branches
  2. Deleting a database by removing the definition from YAML files

If database-level objects are not deleted by SOLE (by delete job), but implicitly (by database deletion), it can lead to failure in a Pipeline.

To handle such scenarios, use the variable LIFECYCLE_STATE_RESET to reset the state file for database-level jobs.

External deletion of objects

If a SOLE-managed Snowflake object is deleted externally, it can lead to an error during the execution of pipelines. As external deletion does not update the state file of the resource, SOLE assumes that the object still exists. This leads to an error when SOLE tries to refresh the state of the object but is unable to find the object.

To handle such scenarios, use the environment variable LIFECYCLE_STATE_RESET to reset the state file for the object groups to which the object belongs.